Monday 6 October 2014

Cadillac Headlights Enhance Your Car’s Performance

Cadillacs are one of the luxury cars of the world that are the combination of both class and style. These cars are manufactured by General Motors, and they are very popular among the Hollywood film stars. There are many users of this great car who are always waiting for recently added changes in this car.

Several Models of Cadillac Cars

There are some models of this luxury car that are accepted worldwide. They are CTS, Deville, DTS, Escalade EXT, Escalade and SRX. Some features of top models are given below-

CTS - The full form of the CTS is C-series Touring Sedan. This model is well-accepted by the young generations throughout the world. It is the smallest model of the Cadillac series, but a have a powerful 3.6 liter V 6 engine. Some of the features of this model are automatic headlights, 17 inch alloy wheels, climate control zones, anti-lock disc brakes, headlights and many more. There are many CTS headlights available in the market. These headlights match the style, durability and performance of the Cadillac Car. The headlights properly fit the car and improve your driving experience. The series ranges from 2003-2013. All these series are of great utility and quality.

DTS –DTS stands for Deville Touring Sedan. This is one of the luxury models of Cadillac, and it has some additional features including optional blind zones and departure warning systems. There is a platinum edition of DTS that has dashboard trims and bigger power plant. The headlights are the prominent features of this series. The headlights are made by experts to match with the style of the Cadillac. The series of these headlights range from 2006 to 2010.

SRX – This is the alternative of large escalate Cadillac. The interior features of this car are having a large extra space and flush-mounted control system. The engine capacity is 4.6 liters with 6 speed automatic transmissions. The Cadillac headlights give the car a new look and increases the performance. The lights also ensure safety to the drivers while driving.

The headlights are the most important parts of the Cadillac car, and there are many varieties of headlights at affordable rates in the market.

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